We’ve all had the experience of “that job”—the one you dread going to every morning, the one that singes your soul and causes you to feel a massive sense of dread whenever it’s time to go back into the office. For many people, this is just an inevitable part of life: no matter how much you love your work, there … Read More
Making New Friends As A Traveling Nurse
Making new friends can be challenging when you’re a traveling nurse. It’s easy to feel homesick and slightly out of place. And when you do build new friendships, it’s time to travel again. So, you leave and start again from scratch. Friendships provide a support system that can help you get through a challenging shift or hard times in your … Read More
The Vital Importance of Your Network
You’re probably familiar with the phrase “networking is important,” which may cause an immediate eye roll. But reframing the importance of networking is essential. Building community and fostering the value of your village can produce benefits not only in professional life but also in personal life. Here are some more insights that illustrate the vital importance of your network. What … Read More
How Clinicians Can Combat Imposter Syndrome
When people think of doctors and nurses, they might imagine the epitome of success. They have a prestigious career, a rewarding life’s work, and the opportunity to help people live healthier lives. However, many doctors and nurses go through an obstacle course each day — combatting imposter syndrome. Individuals who suffer from imposter syndrome experience feelings of inadequacy despite evidence … Read More
Tips for Nurses Working NOC Shifts
There are many challenges involved with being a nurse working NOC shifts. They can be difficult to maintain if you aren’t getting enough sleep, eating right, and staying active – taking away from patient care. However, there are ways to lead a healthy lifestyle if you’re working nights. Here are some tips for nurses working NOC shifts. Maintain a Regular … Read More
Choosing a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DPN) degree was first introduced in 2004. Its primary focus is to offer a doctorate level of clinical preparedness. But what does it really offer a nurse over other advanced degrees such as the Master of Science in Nursing? Here’s an overview of what a DNP offers, why nurses get one, and the benefits of … Read More
The Benefits of Getting a Nursing Certification
Becoming a nurse and gaining related experience working in the field requires a lot of time and dedication. Obtaining a nursing certification on top of this is something that may not appeal to some nurses. But getting a nurse certification does have its benefits. This post offers an overview of what a certification can do for a registered nurse’s career. … Read More
Why You Should Get Your Master of Science in Nursing
Having credentials in addition to your RN license can prove to be beneficial for those in certain specialties or if you’re working as a travel nurse. One credential to consider is a Master of Science in Nursing or MSN. More positions are starting to require it or another advanced degree. This article talks about how and why you should get … Read More
Resume Tips for Travel Nurses
Creating a travel nurse resume is essential for getting the job assignments that you really want. But actually putting together the resume is a challenge in itself. Here are some resume tips for travel nurses to keep in mind. These tips can also apply to other types of nurse resumes too. Introduce Yourself Recruiters and hiring managers are looking to … Read More