Why More Nurses Should Have an MSN or Doctorate Degree

What is an MSN?

An MSN is a Master of Science in Nursing. It’s an advanced degree that provides nurses with the skills and knowledge necessary to practice within their specialties, such as pediatrics or geriatrics. An MSN program will provide specialized education around topics related to one’s chosen field of study, such as public health, informatics, and leadership. It’s also an opportunity to gain necessary research and evidence-based skills that will come in handy when dealing with patient care.

What Is a Doctorate Degree?

The goal of a doctorate is to prepare nurses for leadership positions within the healthcare system. A doctorate is the highest nursing degree, often referred to as a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). A DNP program requires a more rigorous curriculum than an MSN program. The curriculum focuses heavily on evidence-based practice, leadership, and inquiry.

Why Should Nurses Have an MSN or Doctorate?

Below you’ll find the top reasons nurses should have an MSN or doctorate:

Advanced Education Improves Patient Care and Outcomes

The most important reason for nurses to pursue advanced degrees is to improve patient care outcomes. Nurses with advanced degrees are better equipped to understand complex medical conditions and respond accordingly. They can communicate more effectively with other healthcare professionals, which can help ensure that all parties work together towards a common goal of providing quality patient care.

Career Advancement Opportunities

Another reason nurses should pursue advanced education is that it provides opportunities for career advancement. With an MSN or doctorate, nurses can move into higher-level positions, such as nurse practitioners, nurse educators, or clinical specialists. These roles often involve teaching, research, or administrative duties that require specialized knowledge and experience. An advanced degree will help open the door for those looking for long-term work in the nursing profession.

Higher Salaries For Advanced Degrees

Finally, nurses with an MSN or higher degree typically earn higher salaries than those without one. This boost is because employers recognize that nurses with advanced degrees possess specialized skills and knowledge that can help improve patient care outcomes and organizational efficiency. They will pay a premium for these skill sets—which translates into higher salaries down the road!

How much?

The average nurse salary for an MSN is $123,780, and the median yearly pay for a DNP is $112,000.

If you’re considering pursuing an advanced degree in nursing but don’t know where to start your search for nursing opportunities that fit your life—contact us at Actriv Healthcare today! We specialize in connecting experienced RNs with employers offering excellent compensation packages so you can get started on your journey toward success!