A Day in the Life of a Nurse

As a nurse, I am constantly on the go. Every day is different and brings unique challenges. Whether working in an ICU or a clinic, my job always involves providing quality patient care and ensuring each patient gets the best treatment possible. My days are filled with long hours and hard work, but every day is worth it when I see how much of a difference I make in someone’s life. Let’s take a closer look at what an average day looks like for me as a nurse.

My Schedule

My shift usually starts at 8 am, depending on where I work that day. It’s essential to start the day by checking in with my supervisor and finding out what tasks need to be accomplished during my shift. From there, I’ll make my rounds and check on each of my patients—assessing their conditions, administering medications, taking vital signs, and answering any questions they may have about their treatment plan or medication regimen.

Helping Patients

One of the most rewarding parts of being a nurse is helping patients get back to feeling better—providing emotional support to those dealing with chronic illnesses or helping those who just had surgery recover as quickly as possible. When I’m feeling down, nothing cheers me more than brightening someone else’s day with a bit of conversation, an uplifting word or two, and providing them with an attentive ear.

Collaborative Care

Part of being a successful nurse is knowing when to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure that each patient gets the best care possible. This could mean consulting doctors about treatment plans or discussing medications with pharmacists on any given day to ensure everything lines up correctly. Working together as part of an interdisciplinary team ensures that our patients receive comprehensive care from all angles. My favorite part of this job is the feeling that I am part of a team, doing everything we can to ensure our patients receive the best care.

Managing Stress

Being a nurse can be stressful, especially when dealing with long hours and multiple patients at once! To help manage stress levels throughout the day, it helps to take regular breaks so I can refuel mentally and physically before going back into my shifts. Taking deep breaths or listening to music can also help stay focused on providing quality patient care without burning out in the process!

My go-to stress-buster is yoga—a few minutes of sun salutations or mountain poses can instantly soothe my nerves and put me in a better headspace for the rest of my shift. When I have time, I hit up the sauna at my gym, which always helps to clear my head and regain my energy.

Being a nurse is one of the most fulfilling jobs—and no two days are ever quite alike. I take short-term jobs through Actriv Healthcare. It allows me to work my hours and take on various roles. It’s been an incredible journey so far! I’m excited for the next chapter in my nursing career, wherever it may lead.